How to play

Goal and score:
The objective of the game is to complete lines with the pieces that go down. When you manage to complete a line of a frame, you earn 1 point. The full line disappears and everything above goes down one position.
If you manage to eliminate 2 lines at once on the same board, earn 2 points from the 2 lines completed
plus 1 bonus point.
If you manage to eliminate 3 lines at once on the same board, earn 3 points from the 3 completed lines plus 2 bonus points.
If you manage to eliminate a line with a single color, win in addition to the point 2 more bouns.

Pieces can be moved left or right and rotated in the same position. In addition to the colored blocks, there are 2 special types:
The white block, which when stopped, changes to the dominant color on the line or to a random one if the line was empty.
The black piece is also special. She can erase the pieces that are below her as she is descending. But it is not mandatory, use the 8 key to discard it if you don't want to.
Finally, you can make the blocks fall as low as possible, without having to go down one by one position.

Esc - exit the game screen and return to the points and options panel. When on this screen exit the game.
4 or left arrow - move the piece to the left.
6 or right arrow - move the piece to the right.
2 or down arrow - makes the piece fall straight.
5 - makes the piece rotate.
8 or up arrow - makes the black piece disappear.
Enter - start the game.

Optionally use the on-screen buttons to override all keys. Click on them with your mouse or tap with your finger if you have a touchscreen.

Most options are intuitive, click the "+" button to see more options.
Click on the green rectangle to change the language. The game has 3 modes, switching between them changes the Hydro, Invert and Frames sliders.
Regarding these 3 sliders, the bigger each one of them, the more difficult the game becomes. The default mode leaves them at medium level, the varied mode is for changing the sliders freely, the easy mode is ideal for children, it will be a single frame, in large size, without reversing the direction and without Hydros.
The New button and Trash can be used to include player names and delete them.
You need at least one name to start the game.